Pemberitahuan Pemeliharaan Jumat, 22 Desember 2017

Pemberitahuan pelaksanaan pemeliharaan pada hari Jumat, 22 Desember 2017 (14.00 JST/GMT+9) dari Tim Operasi Toram Online.

[Tambahan 22 Desember 10.55(JST/GMT+9)]Isi Pemeliharaan

- New Weapon: "Katana" will be released.

- Mononofu Skills Lv1-Lv3 will be released.
*"Star Gems" for Mononofu Skills will be released in future updates.
 Star Gems with Mononofu Skills cannot be created until they are released.
 We will announce on our official website when they are released.

- Lv Cap will be raised to 145.

- New Recipes will be added.

- Katanas will be added to the drop items of certain monsters.

- "Star Gems" can be registered to the Consignment Board.
*"Star Gem Shard" cannot be traded on the Consignment Board.

- [Challenge Dungeon] New Difficulty: 175 will be added.

- The prizes for Boss Defeat Campaign for 7 Million DLs Event will be sent.

- The following options will be added in "System" settings.

 - Auto Lock at Consignment Board
  The items you purchase at Consignment Board will automatically be locked.

- The following issues will be fixed.
 - Some buffs are not working after the finish blow of Blade Skill: "Rampage".
 - The quests at NPCs in El Scaro were not listed in order of level.
 - Unable to purchase furniture correctly and an error message pops up after purchasing items with Orbs consecutively.
 - Minor bug fixes.

Waktu Pemeliharaan

Jumat, 22 Desember 20177, pukul 14.00-18:00 JST/GMT+9

*Harap diperhatikan bahwa 15 menit sebelum pemeliharaan dimulai, re-login tidak dapat dilakukan.
*Sebelum pemeliharaan dimulai, mohon untuk logout secara manual.
Bila permainan sedang berjalan ketika waktu pemeliharaan dimulai, item atau EXP dan sebagainya yang diperoleh sebelumnya dapat hilang.

Mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan ini dan kami mohon perhatian dan kerja sama Anda.