[18 Mei 16.30 Pemeliharaan Selesai] Pemberitahuan Pemeliharaan Kamis, 18 Mei 2017

Pemberitahuan selesainya pemeliharaan dari Tim Operasi Toram Online.

Pemeliharaan yang dilakukan pada hari Kamis, 18 Mei 2017 14.00 JST/GMT+9 telah selesai pada pukul 16.30.

Maintenance Details

- The limited-time recipes of the following events have been removed.
 - Hanami Event 2017
 - Golden Week Event 2017
- [Housing] New Furniture has been added.
- New Emblems have been added.
 - You can receive the emblem from Menu > Settings > Account Settings by logging in with the ASOBIMO account you have submitted.
- Effect boost campaign for "Gem +" item series has started.
 Special effects will be added to the following items for a limited time after the maintenance.

 Strength Gem + / Intellectual Gem + / Vital Gem + / Agile Gem + / Dex Gem + / Mana Gem + / Guard Gem + / Evade Gem +

 "EXP Gain +100%" and "Drop Rate +10%" will be added to the original effect.

 - Campaign Period
 From: After the maintenance on May 18th
 Until: Before the maintenance on May 25th
 Until: Before the maintenance on October 19th

 *The effects will be in effect with other gem items, Orb items and 30-Day Tickets.
- The following adjustments have been applied to the quests in Sofya City.
 - The order of the quests displayed.
 - If you are already in the condition to finish a quest, you can accept and complete the quest at the same time.
  If you have already meet the conditions to complete a quest when accenpting the quest, the following dialogue will be shown.